Searching for the Best Standup Desk
This whole COVID-19 pandemic forced a lot of change on many of us. For me personally, it made me start working from home full-time. At my dayshift, I perform web marketing and design for Wenatchee Valley College (WVC). Working for a big entity comes with all kinds of perks and comforts. One is a dynamic, ergonomically correct desk setup. At WVC, I had all kinds of tools that promoted healthy posture. One being standing desk options.
Now that I’m at home, those amenities are no longer available. My primary workspace was a generic desk from Costco and a plush office chair. The setup was fine, but how quickly you realize how terrible your posture can be when you’re forced to sit for 8 hours.
Cue my hunt for the best standing desk
It didn’t take long for me to realize that my posture resembled Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I knew I needed to invest in a better workplace environment and began researching standing desk options. I hit up a few people I knew on social media who had already gone that direction and plucked a few obvious choices online.
Sean McCabe from is a creative guru who has a strong social media presence and podcast show. He recently invested in his “dream desk” and went with a mammoth custom setup from Uplift Desk. It looked amazing …and expensive, so I kept searching. I sought out another person I knew, 3D motion designer, Eddy Adams. Eddy said he had gone with a standup option from Autonomous. It looked nice and a little less scary price-wise, so I thought I better have a look.
These recommendations were helpful and really helped me focus on a few good options based on the plethora of offerings on the internet.
Ultimately, I narrowed down my investigation to three companies:
Fully Jarvis
I stumbled upon Fully Jarvis through online advertisements. They seemed like a decent option that was appropriately priced with a few accessory options. I didn’t know anyone who had a Jarvis, but the reviews seemed adequate. I decided to keep looking based on my desk size requirements (wanted a smaller size) and I wasn’t in love with the tabletop choices.
Not only was I seeing a lot of ads for Autonomous desks, but my design field buddy, Eddy Adams, had one. He was very pleased with his desk and sent me a few specs and pictures of the setup. This seemed like a really good option. It was on the cheaper end of stand-up desks, which I liked and had a strong number of five-star reviews. I had an autonomous desk all customized and sitting in checkout for weeks. The only thing holding me back was I just didn’t love the tabletops. I guess I was looking for something a little more wood grain rather than modern.
Uplift Desk
Finally, I investigated Uplift Desk. From the get-go, this was a strong favorite. Although it was the more expensive choice, it was the most customizable. The tabletop options were endless with modern material, faux wood, real wood, and live-edge choices. The dimension options were also a key player. I was really looking for something on the smaller end so that I could move my desk into different rooms and spaces if I needed to. Uplift had that. Lastly, the accessory library was impressive. They offer just about anything you can dream up, including things like balance boards and hammocks that attach to the underside of your desk!
It as settled then. I ordered up my customized desk, pressed purchase, and then….waited…for 2 months to be exact. Due to COVID-19 stand-up desk companies everywhere are seeing huge delays due to backorders. But, in the end, I will say I am very pleased with my decision.
Setup and installation took about an hour. The desk did come in a variety of pieces, but the video build videos were a huge plus. Overall, Uplift has been great. It took a couple of weeks to get used to standing again. Your body definitely has to adjust and you feel all kinds of strange aches from just…standing. But I feel a lot better now and my posture has never been more upright!
What’s your setup?
Please let me know if you have any questions about stand-up desks. Or, if you have one that I didn’t research, let’s hear it in the comments!

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